Submission BCS 07
NMO Season 3
MIS & IT Infrastructure Development To Assist Business Expansion
Submission Date & Time : 2021-02-28 09:58:59
Submitted By : Mohammed Obeid - From Team Leonardo
To identify the problems facing the business in its current operation and to design strategies for expanding into new markets, we started by carrying out an Internal Analysis & External Analysis using MOST technique and PESTEL Analysis respectively.
Internal Analysis (MOST Technique)
Mission: Bring freshly grown organic seasonal produce to customers, reduce supply time i.e farm to table time
Objectives: To Expand into new cities, break even on expenses, increase customer base (No. of subscribers), improve customer retention rate (loyal customer base), Increase average purchase quantity by customers
Using Cloud computing system to upscale IT Infrastructure
Database management system to identify high value leads, plan offers, track revenues, spends, plan marketing strategies
Adding new features in App
Expanding customer base by supplying to corporates
Reducing lead time by establishing warehouses easily accessible to cities residents
Waste Management by selling to secondary markets
- Identifying potential cities
- Hiring sales team to negotiate with corporates and Restaurants
- Selecting Distribution partners, getting warehouses on lease
External Analysis (PESTEL Technique)
Political: New markets we are stepping into has labour laws, taxes and other government policies similar to pune (current market) and hence no significant impact from political aspect is expected
Economic: Population in selected new markets we are expanding into should have higher disposable income with around 35% of population falling under middle class & high class.
Social: Target customers who are health conscious and are willing to pay a premium for fresh organic produce, customers with a busy lifestyle and need of ready for table organic foods
Technological: Poor lead management will lead to loss in number of subscribers, poor IT infrastructure and lack of ease in using technology will affect customer experience and impact customer retention rates
Environmental: Sometimes seasonal produce quantity is affected shooting up the prices, changes in temperature/non-seasonal rains etc. can lower quality and quantity of produce
Legal: Food & safety laws and other legal aspects are similar to the existing market (Pune)
From the above analysis we found 3 key aspects to focus on 1. Developing an sophisticated MIS system for lead management 2. Inventory Management & Tracking for Internal Operations and Waste Management system to reduce losses from unsold products & ensure customers receive the fresh produce in line with business goals and food and safety laws and 3. Improving UI/UX design of App & website, add new features & capabilities to make it more user friendly.
1. Developing an MIS system
An MIS system will help us keep track of both consumer side and supplier side data.
Advantages of an MIS system
- Identify loyal customer base: By Pareto principle also known as 80-20 rule, 80% of our revenues will come from 20% of loyal customer base and efficient tracking of that loyal base will help us design strategies and offers to retain existing customer base and ensure customer satisfaction.
- Identify Hot & Cold Leads: This will help us design promotional strategies for different target groups based on lead status
- Non converted leads for remarketing: This will help channel marketing activities to target customers already informed about our product but has not yet made a purchase
- To keep track to total business revenues
From consumer side MIS will track following:
Leads & Subscribers from different marketing channels
Spends & Returns from channels of customer acquisition. This will help us understand from which source are we generating potential customers and hence design marketing strategy accordingly
Sales tracking: To track the no. of customers and No. of products sold on specific days and specific months. This will help us analyze how external factors can impact our business
Non-converted leads management: This will contain information about two categories of customers (App/website users) 1. Those who have added items in the cart but didn't make a purchase and 2. Those who came to check out page but did not complete the order placement. This will help us in remarketing, making new offers for those specific category of customers, and take feedback on what is hindering them from completing the purchase and make improvements in the business accordingly
Converted Leads Management: This will contain data of current customer base (subscribers), this will help plan up-sell and cross-sell strategies
Monthly/quarterly/annual forecasts: These forecasts will help us set competitive targets, understanding where company is headed and progress it can make over time and hence give holistic view of business performance and direction
From Supplier side MIS will track following:
From the supplier side the MIS will track the products acquired from suppliers, the volume supplied matched against the volume required, fixed costs and incentives associated with the purchase.
To Track Internal Operation:
To keep a track of no. of orders packed by Packing & cleaning staff and the no. of orders delivered by delivery agents
2. Inventory Management & Tracking for Internal operations and Waste Management System
End-to-End Inventory visibility using a cloud-based solution. Inventory management system & effective tracking of internal operations will help in reducing lead-supply time, focus on optimal inventory management based on market demand and having a quick response for order fulfillment.
Features of Inventory Management System:
Easy document details of warehouse and storage facilities including layouts, racks, and storage capacities
Consignment Inventory: To maintain visibility into inventory levels that are managed outside the warehouse
Perform inbound operations including PO receipt and putaway
Track details of Complete outbound operations including picking, packing and shipping
Access real-time inventory levels and transaction history at any location
Real-time inventory visibility from supplier to customer
Powerful visuals including drag and drop features, tree view and more
Waste Management System:
This system will be used to reduce losses due to customers returning the order and/or excesses in inventory reaching the shelf life of products. As we are dealing with perishable goods with less helf life, effective management becomes paramount
Here firstly, a shelf life is assigned to a all products based on their type and a alert time is set which indicates that the product cannot be used for regular market and has to be diverted to secondary markets
Our secondary markets will include a network of restaurants, fruits & vegetable juice makers, as for their businesses our produce will act as raw materials and they will change our products into finished products as required by their business.
This will open a secondary market for our business and help reduce wastage & losses due to products reaching their shelf life
3. Developing App & website with Advanced features:
With the ever increasing use of internet, accessibility, advancements and ease of use has led to large scale penetration of digital devices and has made them an incredibly important part of our daily activities from monitoring our morning workout activities to making purchase of day-to-day necessities to purchase of luxury items.
And as our target base includes a health conscious, and digital savvy audience a user friendly and secure mobile app & website with advanced tracking features is imperative.
Fresh Growers mobile App & website will include the following features:
Improvements in UI/UX : To make it attractive, user engaging and easy to use
Live order tracking: For customers to be aware of order status
Payment gateway integration: Payment options including netbanking, Credit/debit card payment and UPI payment integration
Regular Notifications on order status: By sending SMS or app notification
Customer Feedback/complaints section: To help customers provide their feedback on products & services
Wishlist: For customers to add and store their preferred products
Automated chat bot: To answer to generic customer queries, help customers with basic information on how to place orders, contact us and more
360 degrees virtual farm tour: As part of our marketing strategy to ensure customers trust and engagement
Referral Option: In line with the marketing strategy, this will help us expand our customer base with our loyal customers referring other potential audience
Subscription plans: In line with our marketing strategy, our subscription options will include Platinum, Gold and Silver Subscription
Easy Returns: Option to return products in customer wants
Order facility for corporates: As part of our business expansion strategy, in addition to household, we will supply fresh organic products to corporate employees for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Here corporates can place bulk orders for their employees
Security: As customers can add their preferences, payment and other details, we have to ensure app is secure against any malicious activity
Order Tracking mechanism:
We will develop an mobile application system and have it installed in cell phone of delivery agents and warehouse management teams who can update order acquisition status/scan QR codes to keep managers notified about the entire operations
Step 1: When a order is placed by the customer, a unique order ID is generated and nearest warehouse is notified of the products order along with the order ID
Step 2: Warehouse checks the inventory & contacts the nearest labour & farm contractors to check for availability of produce and a delivery agent is assigned with order fulfillment task
Step 3: Once delivery agent acquires the required produce he/she updates the status on their app and proceeds with shipping to the warehouse
Step 4: Once the order reaches the warehouse, the warehouse management team confirms the receival of order, and proceeds for sorting. Cleaning and packaging
Step 5: Once order is packed, it is assigned a unique QR code, status is updated and the order is loaded into delivery vans
Step 6: Once customer receives the order, the final status is updated and a confirmation message is send to the customer
Note: For Subscribers, daily a new order is auto generated and entire process is repeated
Shruti bhargav
Dear Obeid, Nice effort and clarity can be seen in your submission. Your orientation towards explaining the proposed uses of MIS in your company and few reports is well done. Overall excellent job.
Mohammed Obeid
Multiplier IT Solutions , Senior Business Consultant & Digital Marketer
I am a budding entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast and a strategic sales & marketing professional with more than 3 years of experience in digital marketing, content strategy & design. After graduating from college, I have worked as part of a marketing team as a business consultant & digital marketer. It was my passion for learning organizational growth, business strategies and analysis that motivated me to take up the position. In past 3 years of my professional career, I have worked with top marketing officers and management teams of leading healthcare providers in India, identified new business avenues, grew product portfolio, designed and implemented digital marketing strategies with focus on rapidly & significantly improving online revenues and started an e-commerce & software development firm aimed at redefining the way retails businesses & customers make purchase of eyewear products.
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