Team Ramanujan

Submitter Name: Devanshi

Designation: Head of Information Technology Department
Information technology leveraged to scale for SELCO All over perspective including involvement of all department(Marketing/Finance) collaboration also IT separately of how it can help scale the company.
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Submitter Name: Divya Bhardwaj

Designation: Head of Marketing Department
Business expansion Strategy for SELCO India The case is about a company named SELCO which provides rural energy solutions to underprivileged and low income group.There are various myths that the company has denied by giving cheap sources of solar energy to the people. But the company has been able to reach 4,50,000 households in 20 years.
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Submitter Name: ARUN YADAV

Designation: CEO
Business expansion plan for SELCO India 1. To start with the first action point should be to increase the market penetration of the existing products which comes under the sales expansion strategy. 2. Moreover it's a clean energy initiative so SELCO can get government's support. With that they can expand into other parts of the country along with the energy centers expansion. 3. Further more having being backed up by the government and making good profit they can move into the product line expansion by using the latest techniques of innovation.
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Submitter Name: TARUN NAGDEV

Designation: Head of Finance Department
financing the selco india expansion expansion can made by providing various microfinance facilities to poor people and company could avail loan from partnered banks, angel funding and government's rural banks for smoothly expansion of selco india.
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Submitter Name: Anshika agarwal

Designation: Head of Human Resources Department
SELCO "The Solar Energy Service Center" Selco a growing compang in solar energy produts.
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Submitter Name: Aishwarya Agarwal

Designation: General Manager
SYNCHRONIZATION among Departments: For effective management of the company As a general manager of the company, I would suggest to first focus on target market so as to gauge more audience towards our side. Once the market has been penetrated, we can focus on product expansion so as to provide more varieties to the audience and last but not the least, creation in each operating city for smooth functioning of the company. Firstly, this will enable us to create more jobs in the market which will ultimately benefit the people and economy of the country will also rise and secondly, approach towards acquiring advanced technologies for production will lower down the cost of production and hence, benefit to the low income group people.
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